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"My time spent with Terry is an incredibly productive use of time - not only for me personally but also for my firm.

In a senior role it's easy to get bogged down on certain issues which often distract you from the ability to step back and see the wider perspective. My sessions with Terry allow me to keep focused on my personal objectives whilst at the same time ensuring I am delivering my optimum day to day performance as a leader of the business.

I'd have to say that without having had the opportunity to speak with Terry at certain key times, I'm almost certain that my decision making process wouldn't have been as effective.

I'd fully recommend Terry to any ambitious business leader who is focused on optimizing their personal and career development."

- CEO, Private Equity, UK

Photo by Tom Merton/OJO Images / Getty Images

“Terry - I really liked your personal coaching style. You had a very professional approach and yet were engaging and non-judgmental. We built such a level of trust that I could be very open with you.

It was helpful too that, with your background, you understood the context and knew about professional services firms. You understood the different types of senior executives and were knowledgeable about the roles they play and the challenges they face.

When you get to a certain level it is all about relationship management, communication, visibility and having your voice heard - feeling less self-conscious and being able to say what needs to be said. The coaching improved my effectiveness at this and has made clearer to others what I bring to the team and the organisation. The coaching has also helped me ensure we get the best thinking, insight and decisions from a lot of important meetings. As the other people in these are typically the most senior in the global firm, an improved outcome really is of significance to the firm.

I think the higher you are in the hierarchy of the organisation then the more you need this kind of help. It is sometimes hard to find people who are really objective and to tell you who how they perceive you and how you are doing.

I enjoyed the practical exercises, the visualisation and the more tactical recommendations and suggestions that I could use immediately. Your coaching gave not just a short-term benefit, but will be very helpful for future personal and professional life.”

— Partner, Big 4 Accounting / Consulting Firm, UK

Photo by XIANGYANG ZHANG/iStock / Getty Images

“It has been good to have someone to talk to who is outside the day to day situation. When you are running any business, you are the captain of the ship and it is bloody lonely.

I found the coaching stimulating and it made me really think. It helped me be more goal orientated, understand the obstacles within me and how to overcome those first.

You were very supportive and gave me new ideas. We are now really working the 5 year business plan, we have the commitment of partners and co-directors and the resources to get there. It feels so much better.”

— CEO, International Farm Managers and Consultants, UK

Photo by konglinguang/iStock / Getty Images

“You “lent me your ear” as we say in German.

I can recommend your coaching to everyone in business facing challenges, trying to accomplish difficult tasks or progress in an organisation. From a certain level onwards it is not about technical skills and if you don’t work on yourself then you probably won’t succeed. With the coaching I coped with the new situation more easily and efficiently and focused the team on the result, which meant I had more resources for other tasks.

I liked that your style was not exaggerated; it was a calm way of approaching me and the challenges. Your techniques helped me find out the answers myself. Although your techniques helped me to find the way to the right conclusions you left the decisions up to me. The responsibility shifted to me and it felt good. It was convincing because rather than just being told or encouraged, I was ‘self-convinced’ and that was so valuable for keeping going when things were difficult.

It was a pleasure to have such service available, because in normal line management that level of support is not available. It really met my needs and enjoyed it.”

— Executive Director, Big 4 Accounting/Consulting Firm, Germany

Photo by Chris Ryan/OJO Images / Getty Images

“I can see that its very important to create a confidential relationship for real coaching to happen.. I am Italian but felt absolutely comfortable when speaking with you.

By supporting a Partner during this transitional period the Firm has benefited because I am more confident, more quickly in this new role.. Everything has gone better and what I’ve learnt I‘m sure will apply for the future, so it’s been absolutely important for achieving my professional goals.

Your coaching exceeded expectation – it is a moment when I can talk frankly in a transparent way about my concerns, in order to understand if I’m doing well or could do better.. It is a moment where I can get independent suggestion and advice from someone not involved directly in my professional activity. I enjoyed it.”

— Partner, Big 4 Accounting / Consulting Firm, Italy

Photo by acilo/iStock / Getty Images

“Thanks Terry! Your coaching was challenging and effective.

Not only did you help me to think of issues in new ways, but the coaching resulted in me understanding exactly what steps I needed to take to keep progressing in my career and building the team.

Also I am certain that your team coaching has improved our team’s performance. You really helped to solidify us into a united group despite everyone’s different styles and characters.

You built trust and then challenged me in the right ways, encouraging me to step outside of my comfort zone. You helped me to understand what was holding me back and what are the hurdles inside myself and outside in the world and importantly, how they can be overcome.

The coaching created several immediate practical things to do. That will be rewarding as I work on my long-term plan, build my network and acquire new work, rather than only technical challenges.”

— Senior Manager, Big 4 Accounting / Consulting Firm, Germany

Photo by DimaSobko/iStock / Getty Images

“Terry’s coaching really caused me to think logically and systematically about how I identify requirements for change and then manage that change. Actually I knew what to do, but it took his coaching to make sure I actually did it.

He pushed me to think about what I was really trying to achieve first and then how to go about it. What suited me, with the challenges the business had, was that we kept focused on being pragmatic. We prioritised easy wins, achievable stuff but at same time kept in mind importance of engaging other senior management and identifying other upsides for the future.

The benefit to the bank is the opportunity to identify areas and take steps to remain profitable and, in long term, improve bottom line in terms of cost and profitability. For me, it removed some frustration I had had and increased personal job satisfaction and recognition”

— Chief Financial Officer UK, Retail Bank, UK

Photo by roibu/iStock / Getty Images

"Terry - clearly the output from the coaching has been that I now make a far more effective contribution and the benefit to the firm is twofold. First I’m better able to present and defend intellectual and analytical work effectively. The second benefit is the brand and reputation of the team is increased because they can place me into any situation.

I was impressed how the coaching helped me identify not just where I was stuck but the real underlying issue and then develop strategies for overcoming that. Your level of responsive and willingness to be available outside of the regular timetable, recognised that the Firm was a stakeholder and ensured the support of my manager, which has underpinned the whole the process.

The style of coaching was particularly helpful. It was non directive, which is obviously far more effective than being told, but at the same time I was impressed from when we first met that this was not going to be a soft touch exercise and there was going to be full accountability. I think that’s important in that kind of relationship and even though there is pleasantness in our interactions – there is also some bite in there too!"

- Associate Director, Big 4 Accounting / Consulting Firm, UK

Photo by Umkehrer/iStock / Getty Images

“Your coaching helped me take time out to think about things in an environment and in a way that I don’t normally get a chance to. You brought some useful frameworks to think through challenges, these provided structure (but not too much) and helped me get to solutions that worked for me.

Your style of coaching and the way you approached it was helpful and a good fit for me. As you knew the professional services environment I think that helped you make more informed or provocative challenges than otherwise.

I think it was always useful for coaches to ask questions and get there that way. However, just sometimes you need an intervention that says ‘what about this?’ to give something more positive to react to. You combined these approaches with the level of challenge well and showed good judgement when to use them.”

— Partner, Big 4 Accounting / Consulting Firm UK

Photo by smuay/iStock / Getty Images

"I was offered executive coaching following my appointment to the senior executive team. I wasn't quite sure what to expect but the immense value of Terry's coaching soon became apparent.

His coaching, enhanced by his own impressive pedigree as a senior executive, has given me the ability to think more strategically and equipped me with the tools to manage more effectively. In a sense, Terry's coaching has enabled me to fast track my capability as a senior executive, akin to downloading 5 or more years of on the job experience into one.

One of the great aspects to coaching is the fact it is very personal and tailored to your needs; problems and issues can be shared in absolute confidence. Furthermore, it is possible to arrange calls with Terry at any time, which I've found immensely helpful. Coaching really is about YOU and YOUR professional development and the benefits for your company flow from that.

My boss and other members of the Board have recognised the major progress I have made and the benefits this has delivered for the business. I wish that my coaching could last indefinitely. I firmly believe that anyone newly promoted or already in senior roles would benefit from Terry's coaching; in short, everyone needs a Terry."

— Head of Corporate Affairs, Major Transport Company, UK

Photo by RYSZARD FILIPOWICZ/iStock / Getty Images

“As the manager and sponsor of [coachee] , I would like to say how useful the coaching was. Whilst we have a good relationship and speak openly, it has been great to have a fully independent perspective from someone.

The overall coaching structure worked well: the structured kick-off and finish combined with clear steps ensured the Firm’s agenda was well covered.

We certainly saw improvements. For example, in one recent debate [coachee] was far more comfortable and relaxed. The coaching gave him a belief that, yes, did he had a valid point of view and perspective. That really helped him to respectfully and confidently make his points.

Thank you for the positive impact you had.”

— Director, Big 4 Accounting / Consulting Firm, UK

Photo by rashch/iStock / Getty Images

"I wanted to thank you. With your coaching I gained self confidence so I could have major discussions with clients rapidly. I stopped trying to control everything and found a balance between risk and efficiency. My clients now feel they have somebody in front of them with expertise and self confidence - somebody they can trust.

There was a progression in our work together. First, our conversations were a very good deep analysis of behaviour and what I had to do to progress. You listened to me well and let me explain what I felt. We set up goals and then you were always challenging me about how to obtain these. For example, what would have to happen before our next call together and at other times we prepared together before a specific important meeting and that was very good for me.

When we started I was a senior manager and I had to find a way to grow into a position as a partner or an executive director, as I am now. As a result of the coaching I am more efficient, confident, have a new function in business development and am bringing additional business to the firm. The firm took the right decision for me to have coaching - it was helpful for me and for the firm also."

- Executive Director, Big 4 Accounting / Consulting Firm, France

Photo by tbradford/iStock / Getty Images

"The coaching gave me a chance to get out of my normal work routine to bounce ideas off someone who had the necessary experience. I was able to walk through different scenarios for the areas I oversee. Where those areas are moving forward now is, in part, attributable to the things we worked on during my coaching sessions. You helped me to consider how other people think and react to problems. This has certainly been useful as we did some restructuring and other changes within the business.

One particular thing I remember is how persistent you could be in forcing me to find specific answers and proposed actions. That extra follow-up you brought kept me finding that little bit more I could not think of at first!

Although you pushed hard, you were friendly and easy to talk to. You had an open way of communicating and a high degree of empathy to the background I come from. As a person, you are a good guy and easy to get on with, which I think is important to any coaching relationship."

- Chief Financial Officer, International Business, UK

Photo by Sophie James/iStock / Getty Images

“Thank you Terry, I am sure many people will benefit and appreciate your help.

You introduced me to some tools and techniques that I still use regularly to approach issues and in problem solving. The coaching was a very good way of supporting my new roles.

You created a good coaching environment and the sessions were always based on actual matters/issues that I had to deal with. The practical advice had always a great impact on my daily work and enabled me to solve many matters successfully as well as effectively.

I can recommend coaching sessions with you for anybody that takes on new commercial roles or responsibilities.”

— Partner, Big 4 Accounting / Consulting Firm, Germany

"Terry has been a terrific coach during my transition from a very different NGO world in the US to the UK. Leading an organization and implementing deep changes is challenging, and gets even more complicated when cultural differences have to be factored in.

Having sanity checks with Terry and having him use his very diverse tool kit to help me assess problems, explore opportunities, address challenging staff situations and keep me going back to my strategy, has been a very welcome breather and a great way to get out of the nitty gritty of the day to day management so I can step back into the big picture goals and what’s truly important for my institutional plan.

Terry’s constant help and nudging to maintain a healthy work-life balance has been great as I’m one who easily slips into the workaholic mode. His techniques have helped greatly. Being at the top is hard, but Terry has been extraordinary helping me sound out ideas, understand different perspectives of the problems I’m facing and allowed me to find ways forward that prevent me from getting stuck. The trust he instils in our conversations enables open and honest conversations that result in clear plans forward.

This transition has definitely been much easier thanks to Terry’s support, and I feel I’ve been able to grow as a leader and as regular human being thanks to his advice and support."

- CEO, Complex and Large Multinational Charity

“In the time I have worked with Terry I have been on a significant upward trajectory in my career that has seen me having to learn to navigate boardrooms frequently and develop strategies in two large organisations. Having the time away from the detail to focus on the bigger picture and test my thinking has been invaluable.

Terry has been a fantastic guiding light through this period; offering great advice on influencing, stakeholder engagement as well as providing crucial wisdom on transitioning from one business to another. His advice, in parallel with other great onboarding tools, helped me to formulate a clear plan in those crucial first three months of joining a new organisation. I have continued to adopt this approach to future career planning and creating crucial reflection time week-to-week. 

Terry has really helped to reinforce my confidence whilst we have worked together and I feel I have developed a far greater level of resilience to embracing and navigating change. He is so professional in his approach and creates an environment of trust that has enabled me to be very open and honest.  I would highly recommend Terry.

- Head of Data Science, Large Telecoms, UK

“Terry has been a huge help over the last 18 months we have been working together - acting at various times as listener, challenger and motivator.  He helped me through a significant career change and a successful onboarding into a new role where I was able to hit the ground running due to Terry's support.  His unique blend of knowing when to push you and when to let you riff to find your own way forward is a valuable tool for anyone in a leadership role. 

His guidance helps keep you grounded in you own value-based decision framework ensuring the outcomes of your sessions are fully tailored to you and your unique situation and personality.  Having access to Terry at our bi-weekly sessions allowed me to step away from the day-to-day struggles and focus on higher-level, goal-based strategic thinking to progress my effectiveness as a leader and strengthen my career.

Terry said to me early in our work together that while colleagues, mentors, family, spouses, etc. care for you and want you to succeed, they all come with biases.  Terry has no interest other than to help you navigate the problems in front of you and ensure the best possible outcome which has been hugely valuable to me.

I have and will continue to recommend Terry to anyone who is looking for professional, experienced coaching that works."

- VP, Private Equity, UK

“Terry, you are an excellent coach and I want to thank you for all your help over the past 12 months. The sessions have been hugely beneficial for me & my personal growth, particularly focusing on what is most important, alongside my specific role as a Managing Director.

The sessions gave me a clearer vision on the important aspects of running a business and made me think more long term. Even the times when I felt I didn’t have much to discuss, the opportunity to speak openly about business strategy, outside of day-to-day operations, was incredibly refreshing.

I found having Terry most helpful in having a sounding board for the various issues/stresses of everyday working life and ensuring you stay on plan to being a better professional. It's helpful having someone to talk things through that isn't biased in any way and only cares about your success and happiness, something girlfriends, wives, mentors, business partners, etc. can't really provide. Thank you again”

- Managing Director, Industrial Construction, UK

“We engaged Terry to support our newly appointed, and first-time CEO, Andy. We recognised that Andy would need coaching and a confidential sounding board as he made the transition from the company CFO to its CEO. In addition to the different skill sets required of a CEO role, there was a further challenge of succeeding a long-standing and well-known CEO.

Over the course of the programme, I observed step changes in behaviour and confidence as Andy developed and matured into the new role. This was supported by comments from fellow NEDs, through our annual 360 degree feedback, that Andy had successfully transitioned from the specialist CFO to a fully-fledged and broader CEO.

We had a clear objective for this programme - to fast track the development of a new CEO and help him become fully effective in the role to drive our organisation forward - and Terry has delivered it.

On behalf of the Board I would like to thank Terry for an excellent job, this has been a successful programme for us.”

- CEO, Financial Services, UK

Feedback from Chair, the coaching sponsor

“Working with Terry Graynoth has had a profound impact on my leadership development. When we began working together, I was in the midst of a particularly challenging phase of my career. Terry’s ability to help me focus on the key elements that drive success has been invaluable.

In times of critical business or people decisions, it's easy to get lost in the details and feel rushed. But Terry consistently challenged me to take a step back and ask myself, "What's holding you back?" This simple yet powerful question has helped me stay focused, pulling me out of the weeds and keeping me centered on what truly matters—delivering results.

Thanks to Terry’s guidance, I’ve gained the clarity and confidence to move forward on several key business decisions. He strikes a perfect balance between helping me reflect thoughtfully and taking decisive action. Even in less than six months, I can already see a measurable improvement in my leadership maturity.

If you’re looking for someone who can help you stay on track and break through both mental and external barriers, I highly recommend Terry. He has been instrumental in my growth, and I’m incredibly grateful for his support.”

- Vice President, Site Head and General Manager, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, Switzerland

“My coaching journey with Terry with an eye-opening experience. Terry has a special mix of challenge and support mechanism where he deploys a variety of tools to help me identify the right problem statement and work my way through to a desirable outcome.

I appreciate specifically his observant nature and deep listening skills to peel the layers behind certain concerns and behaviors and has helped me reframe some limiting ideas and guided me to find relevant solutions that both push me out of my comfort zone while still accommodating my personal environment.

One of my key learning is spotting the particular moment in my professional career and building up the courage to create a new more senior and executive attitude which helps me claim the space I aspire to in my organization.

The work has been also felt by my team and organization, helped become a more effective leader, inspire my team, and overall reach for more ambitious organizational goals.

Terry is definitely an ally that I am lucky to have in my corner.”

- Director, Regional Marketing and Strategy, Dubai

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