Remember that conversation when someone said just the right thing to pop everything into a new perspective?

Suddenly everything became clear,  the fog dispersed.

You knew the next step, what you were going to do and then you did it.


A non-judgemental sounding board.

A new perspective.


And just the right nudge.

Imagine not having to hedge on what you want to say. Just say what you think. I’m not in your reporting line, either above or below, directly or indirectly. Its all totally confidential.

Imagine a confidential ally bouncing your ideas back to you with other insights or probing questions. Sometimes all you need is a new perspective.

Imagine having set a course of action and having your confidential ally check in on your progress. I don’t nag, but I will ask if you’ve followed through.

Imagine having a confidential ally fully equipped with techniques from psychotherapy. When you get blocked in your mind and can’t seem to find the right action to take, I can help you get past that and find a new insight or new way of thinking that makes progress easy again.

Remember that conversation I mentioned when someone said just the right thing to pop everything into a new perspective?

Now, with this service, you can have exactly that conversation whenever and as often as you need it.

If you want to know more click on the link below.